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MICROWORLDS The Annual Exhibition of A-Gallery in 2021


Estonian jewellery artists bring the year 2021 to an end and look towards the future at the annual exhibition of A-Gallery.

Local jewellery artists summarize the year at the annual exhibition-sale called MICROWORLDS, which will be opened in the A-Gallery VAULT and WINDOWS on Pikk street on the 1st of December and stay open until 10th of January 2022.

A microscopic 10–8 m creature has managed to keep the whole humankind under its reign of terror for the last two years. While last year was a chaotic drifting in waves of the pandemic, this year regular life and optimism have started to appear again. The year has passed with lightning speed and it seems there is not much to hold on to, or is there? How have the personal microworlds of the artists turned out? Which were the brightest moments of reality that inspired and that were bent after one’s will?

Now that the initial shock has worn off and one has gotten used to the changing world, it is more than ever interesting to see what kind of art is born of such circumstances. What is the direction taken? Is it a dystopia, utopia or regression that we see on the hazy horizon?

Merilin Pedastsaar, one of persons behind the design of the exhibition: “The initial idea came from the title of the exhibition, to view something that is usually invisible. For the main medium we chose paper and started to shift the focal point. Folding, cutting, shredding and drawing took us to the microworlds of paper. The exhibition should distort the focal point of the viewer, who at times becomes a part of a micro- or macroworld. At the same time highlighting the most significant – the microworld of jewellery.”

As the principal local exhibition space for jewellery and blacksmithing, organizing the annual exhibition is an important tradition for A-Gallery. Jewellery artist and board member Mari Relo-Šaulys: “The community of artists at our gallery is like a microworld of about a hundred artists, where each member in turn creates their own wondrous worlds. Once a year everyone gathers for a group exhibition to experience unity, support and closeness.”

The exhibition assembles exciting artworks made in the last year by Estonian jewellery artists and is a festive conclusion to the year. The unique artworks of the MICROWORLDS exhibition are on sale for the whole duration of the exhibition.

The MICROWORLDS exhibition design is by Kertu Tuberg, Maarja Niinemägi and Merilin Pedastsaar.

Participating artists:

Ulvi Haagensen, Keiu Koppel, Sille Luiga, Ülle Kõuts, Ene Valter, Keesi Kapsta, Mari Relo-Šaulys, Tõnis Malkov, Hans-Otto Ojaste, Jens A. Clausen, Ülle Mesikäpp, Ilona Treiman, Katrin Veegen, Aino Kapsta, Aivars Benuzs, Margit Paulin, Marita Lumi, Krista Lehari, Tea Vellerind, Adolfas Šaulys, Anneli Tammik, Kertu Vellerind, Harry Tensing, Ivar Kaasik, Urve Küttner, Ketli Tiitsar, Kristi Paap, Tamara Sergijenko, Ülle Voosalu, Riin Somelar, Ive-Maria Köögard, Mari Pärtelpoeg, Mari Pärtelpoeg, Maire Morgen Hääl, Merike Balod, Viktorija Lillemets, Ane Raunam, Raili Vinn, Krista Laos, Kätrin Beljaev and Kadi Kübarsepp.