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Hansel Tai 03.08–30.08.2022

On Friday, 5th of August at 18:00, Hansel Tai’s exhibition AFTER PARTY YET TO COME, will be opened in the VAULT of A-Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until 30th of August.

The party has ended. You are still excited. You are still hyped.
You still feel your heart beating heavily, your blood is pumping. There’s beats in your ear.
You are riding a wave.
Your skin is glittering with restlessness.
You are in the metro with your dance glasses on/You are in the taxi with a person you just met on the dance floor/You are on your phone texting with strangers outside of the venue/You are riding a bike and you feel like you can bike to the edge of the city
You are not sleepy. You are lit.
You are like a fire. A bonfire. You feel light weighted as if you can fly. You feel you can fly.
You are riding a wave.
And deep, deep, deep, deep inside, a black hole.
Pitch black, collapsing, nothingness, dense, so heavy, no stars, no dream.
You are not staring at the building with faded façade/You are not staring at their eyes with curiosity/You are not looking for the sunrise.
The party has ended. Where is the after party?

Hansel Tai (1994) is a Chinese-born artist and designer working and residing in Estonia. He obtained BA in 2016 from the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA) in Beijing in Art Jewelry. He continued his artistic research at the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn as well as the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam. In 2019 he received a master degree at the Estonian Academy of Arts, with Cum Laude distinction.

He has exhibited in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Belgium, Estonia and USA among others. Including the Museum of Art and Design in New York (MAD NY) and the Het Nieuwe Instituut in Rotterdam. He is the winner of the 2019 Barcelona Enjoia’t MISUI Award. His works are in the permanent collection of Arnhem Museum, the Netherlands, and the permanent collection of the Apeldoorn CODA Museum, the Netherlands.

Tai’s work focuses on the Post-Internet Epoch: naturalness has been shadowed by body cult, deformation, subcultural signs and high gloss metal, and digital witchcraft is materialized into fetish objects.