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A-Galerii has chosen the best vault exhibition of the 2023

The best VAULT exhibition of A-Galerii in 2023 is memorial exhibition TOUCHED BY FINE LINE for Lia Tüür

Estonian jewellery artists have chosen the best A-Galerii VAULT exhibition of 2023. As the principal local exhibition space for artjewellery, the A-Galerii VAULT has focused for many years on introducing new works by professional jewellery artists and blacksmiths. Last year the vault hosted 9 various exhibitions, of which Lia Tüür’s (1944-2022) memorial exhibition TOUCHED BY A LINE was chosen as the best.

The organizer and curator of the exhibition was Ketli Tiitsar with the help of the A-Galerii.

The memorial exhibition provides for the first time an overview of the artist’s creative path, which began in the 1960s, using family archive materials and photos, designs and works from the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, the History Museum, the Tallinn City Museum and the Estonian Artists’ Association as well as private collections.

When looking back at Lia Tüür’s work, the first thing that comes to mind is her extremely masterful drawing skills and gentle graphic surface handling, regardless of the material she was working with. Lia Tüür’s greatest passion was time-consuming and complex engraving technique.

Back in 1993 Lia Tüür had an idea of a gallery focused on Estonian art jewellery. In cooperation with a group of colleagues, the idea was implemented on Hobusepea Street and A-Galerii was opened in 1994.

Since 2007, the A-Galerii has been selecting the best vault exhibition every year. The aim of the competition is to appreciate the outstanding achievements of artists in their work. You can view previous acclaimed exhibitions here.

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The best VAULT exhibition of A-Galerii in 2022 is FINDINGS by Irene Jürna

Estonian jewellery artists have chosen the best A-Gallery VAULT exhibition of 2022. As the principal local exhibition space for jewellery, the A-Gallery VAULT has focused for many years on introducing new works by professional jewellery artists and blacksmiths. Last year the vault hosted 11 various exhibitions, of which Irene Jürna’s FINDINGS was chosen as the best.

The exhibition showed familiar and worn patterns, torn and breaking surfaces and edges – crochet lace in metal. Random thoughts found by chance in the interaction of lace fabric and metal. Irene Jürna (1952) is an Estonian jewellery artist. In 1976, she graduated from the Estonian Art Academy in metalwork. She has participated in exhibitions in Tallinn and elsewhere since 1974. She has had several personal exhibitions in A-Gallery.

Since 2007, the A-Gallery has been selecting the best vault exhibition every year. The aim of the competition is to appreciate the outstanding achievements of artists in their work. A-Gallery represents works by professional jewelry artists and among other activities also holds exhibitions in the historical VAULT space. The VAULT acts as a historic touching point between the building’s original function, that was built by Joseph Kopf for his goldsmith’s shop in the 1920’s and the exhibition space. Exhibitions in the VAULT began in 2005. 


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The best VAULT exhibition of 2021 is Taavi Teevet’s SINGLE COPY

A-Gallery’s VAULT exhibition of the 2021 is Taavi Teevet’s SINGLE COPY! Congratulations to Taavi!⁠

SINGLE COPY is a poetry collection that never left the print shop, since it was never printed – the poems were given the form of jewellery by combining the techniques of laser engraving and acid etching. This poetry collection can not be found on the shelves of bookstores and it is not available for loan at libraries. SINGLE COPY will not be read during boring bus rides or in parks on sunny days. This poetry collection existed on the walls of the VAULT of the A-Gallery throughout the period of the exhibition and was read by people who came to visit the show. The exhibition was held 29.10 – 26.11.2021.⁠

Taavi Teevet (1996, Saaremaa) is a young metal artist focusing on the journey into his inner world and on analysing relevant sensorial experiences, related issues and discoveries. He has a Bachelor’s degree in jewellery and blacksmithing from the Estonian Academy of Arts. Teevet has shown his work both in Estonia and abroad and has participated in several performative projects.⁠

The best VAULT exhibition has been chosen in A-Gallery since 2007, with the aim of recognizing the masterful achievements of artists in their work.⁠

Pics taken by Helle Ly Tomberg .

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Since 2007, the A-Gallery has been selecting the best Vault exhibition every year. The aim of the competition is to appreciate the masterful achievements of jewellery artists in their work. The winner will be determined by the shareholders of A-Gallery.

2023 – Lia Tüür’s memorial exhibition TOUCHED BY FINE LINE, curated by Ketli Tiitsar

2022 – Irene Jürna FINDINGS

2021 – Taavi Teevet SINGLE COPY

2020 – Erle Nemvalts SOURCES OF VIRTUE


2018 – Marita Lumi A BETTER TOMORROW

2017 – Kertu Vellerind FACEBOOK

2016 – Caius Kull (H)AAKRIK

2015 – Mari-Relo Šaulys ja Adolfas Šaulys VERTICAL

2014 – Mari Pärtelpoeg CIRCLES

2013 – Leida Ilo SOUL BOATS

2012 – Urmas Ott (Hans-Otto Ojaste ja Urmas Lüüs) SHELTER 2415

2011 – Ülle Kõuts WATER

2010 – Kaire Rannik INONOTUS OBLIQUUS

2009 – Maria Valdma DUST

2008 – Katrin Amos DRAWERINGS

2007 – Katrin Veegen LAURELS

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2017 parim Seifinäitus

11. jaanuaril kuulutati A-Galeriis välja 2017. aasta Parim Seifinäitus, milleks osutus Kertu Vellerinna näitus FACEBOOK/NÄORAAMAT.  

A-Galerii on professionaalsete metallikunstnike loomingut esindav ehtegalerii, mille tegevuste hulka kuulub ka ajaloolises seifis näituste korraldamine. A-Galerii algatas 2007. aastal Parima Seifinäituse preemia eesmärgiga tunnustada loominguga aktiivselt tegelevaid kolleege. Sellest ajast on traditsioon mööduvat aastat kokkuvõtval peol valida ja välja kuulutada aasta parim seifinäitus ning anda üle preemia.  

2017. aasta Parima Seifinäituse preemia saanud ehtekunstnik Kertu Vellerind kirjeldab oma näituse sisu tabavalt luulevormis:   NÄORAAMAT/FACEBOOK (Mida mina, kellel FB konto puudub, sellest arvan)   ÜKS VEEBIPÕHINE ÜÜRATU VÕRGUSTIK – MINU JAOKS TÄIESTI TUNDMATU KÕRGUSTIK ENDAST FOTOSID PILDISTA, SILDISTA RIPUTA, RAPUTA PASSIIVSELT – AKTIIVSELT ELU JAGA JA SEGA SHEERI VÕI KOMMENTEERI HUVILÄHTUVALT GRUPEERI LIIDA VÕI LAHUTA KOOSELUSID NAHUTA ELA KAASA JA LAIGI KUNI SÜDAMES LÄIGIB OHTRALT SÕPRU SAAD LISADA VÕI SÕNUMEIS KISADA, ET: „SIHIPÄRATULT AEGA MINA EI KULUTA!   Näituse kujundas Tea Tammelaan.   Kertu Vellerind (s 1967 Tallinnas): „EKA metallehistöö kateedris veetsin kokku üheksa aastat – sinna mahtus nii bakalaureuse- kui ka magistrikraad, täiendõpe Lahti Disainiinstituudis Soomes 1992 ja Maini-äärse Hanau Joonestusakadeemias Saksamaal 1993, üks aasta akadeemilist puhkust ning kolm toredat suve ERKI Soome-Ugri ekspeditsiooni liikmena 1990–1992. Vabakutselise ehtekunstnikuna töötan aastast 1995, aasta hiljem astusin EKL-i liikmeks.

Näitustest olen osa võtnud omajagu nii Eestis kui ka väljaspool. 2016. aastast olen Ede Kurreli nimelise aastapreemia laureaat.“

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in tacit agreement with myself
looking for my space
my wallpaper patterns
I put them together from the fragments of boredom and momentary passion
I want to close my memories somewhere where their figurative value would be preserved
so I am building my house
where things are
motionless and mute
which will never forget
despised and longed
I humbly trust them with my memories
tacit knowledge
so I am building my own house and burning it myself,
covering the universe with my life-experienced drawings
the world is just my imagination
one fiction

The exhibition was chosen as the best Vault exhibition in A-Gallery in the year of 2009.

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The name of the exhibition LAURELS gives an idea of ​​the wonderings and keywords by which these jewellery has been created and completed; ambition, achievements, image, illusions, possible harmony of human external and internal and also inconsistency.

At certain times of the year, the subject of reward medals has become very topical in our country, but the artist has approached the subject much more individual-centered, on a more personal level, touching the delicate boundaries of vanity and respect.

The exhibition was supported by SANGAR

The exhibition was chosen as the best Vault exhibition in A-Gallery in the year of 2007.